EECS Research Students Symposium - 2017

April 07-08, 2017

Venue: Faculty Hall, Indian Institute of Science

Call for Abstracts

The symposium invites abstracts from Ph.D. and M.Tech.(Res.) (formerly M.Sc.(Engg)) research students in their final year, i.e., students expecting to finish in the calendar year 2016) from the departments of CDS, CSA, ECE, EE, or ESE. Students will be nominated by their advisor. Ph.D. students will be able to give a brief oral presentation of their research in about 15 minutes, along with a poster presentation during the Alumni reception. M.Tech.(Res.) students will present just their poster.

Submission guidelines

Nominated M.Tech.(Res.) and Ph.D. students should upload their extended abstract in plain text, limited to 250 words, along with the poster to be presented in PDF format. Further, Ph.D. students should submit their oral presentation slides in PDF format. Students are limited to 10 mins for their presentation. Submissions will be reviewed and suggestions for improvements will be provided by the reviewers. Students should incorporate this feedback and upload a final version of the abstract, poster and slides. These final versions will be available as part of the online proceedings. Incomplete submissions are liable to be rejected at the review or final stage.

The submission should be done with the approval of the student's supervisor. Students must include their supervisor as the last author in their submissions.


Poster Specifications:

A0 portrait form with ¾ inch margin on the sides and 1 inch margin on the top/bottom.

Submission website

Please submit your abstracts here.

Important Dates