Correlation of Diverse Measurement Records for Disturbance Diagnosis in Power Systems

Speaker: Anil Kulkarni


Disturbances continually occur in a power system but the system is usually able to ride through them by appropriate actions of protective relays in the vicinity of the disturbances. In rare cases, the disturbance spreads and causes widespread outages. In these situations, post-disturbance diagnostics become necessary to identify the problems and take corrective measures. Disturbance measurements come in various forms including relay records, Disturbance Recorders(DRs), pre-disturbance SCADA data, sequence-of-event recorders and Phasor Measurement Units. Harmonizing the data from these different sources having different sampling rates, recording duration and time-stamping accuracy requires pre-processing, followed by application of domain knowledge to diagnose the disturbance accurately. This involves the consideration of both electro-magnetic and electro-mechanical transient signatures present in various records. Through real-life examples this talk brings out how this is done, and discusses the prospects of semi-automating this process.


A.M. Kulkarni is a Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay India. He obtained his BE degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Roorkee, India in 1992, and his ME and PhD degrees in 1994 and 1998 respectively, from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. His broad areas of interest are in Power System Dynamics, HVDC and FACTS, and Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS) applications. He has worked closely with utilities in India on several projects, including the PSS tuning exercise in the Eastern and Western regional grids, and the analysis of blackouts in North India (2012) and Mumbai (2020). Recently he has been working as a part of an IIT Bombay team that is developing analytics for the WAMS implementation in India.