Lecture by Dr. Pavan Tallapragada in EE @ 4PM

Location: MMCR

Title :           Event-triggered control: When and what to communicate in networked control systems

Speaker :      Dr. Pavan Tallapragada

Date :            Friday, March 1, 2019.

Time :            4 pm – 5 pm.    (Tea/Coffee at 3:45 pm)

Venue :          Multimedia Classroom (Room: C241), 1st floor, Department of Electrical Engineering.

Abstract :
Networked control systems (NCS) are systems in which the signals for feedback control are communicated over a communication channel or network. Such systems appear in a wide variety of important applications. However, NCS pose a unique set of challenges compared to classical control systems, such as that of limited communication resources. Thus, the questions of when and what to communicate in NCS are of a major concern. These questions have a natural relation to sampling and quantization. Time-triggered (periodic) sampling and uniform static quantization are still the de facto standards in practice. However, such sampling and quantization methods are often very conservative and indeed it is difficult to provide analytical guarantees for them except in very simple scenarios. Faced with this, in the last decade, a major theme in NCS has emerged – that of event-triggered control, wherein sampling and quantization are treated as online decision variables rather than offline parameters. This allows for efficient use of communication resources with the added benefit of provable guarantees for a wide array of problems. In this talk, I will first introduce NCS through applications and highlight some of the challenges. Then, I will present some of our important contributions in event-triggered control over the past several years.

Biography :
Pavan obtained a PhD at the University of Maryland, College Park in 2013 and then did a Postdoc at the University of California, San Diego before he joined IISc as Assistant Professor in 2017.


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