14th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS’18)
Indian Institute of Science
The 14th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS’18) is to be held in IISc Bangalore from December 17-19, 2018. The conference program is available here: https://events.csa.iisc.ac.in/iciss2018/schedule.html
The conference program includes, in addition to talks by the authors of 23 accepted papers, four keynote talks and two tutorials by leaders in academia and industry:
- Prof. Atul Prakash (Professor, University of Michigan) will speak on “Robust Physical World Attacks on Deep Learning Visual Classifiers and Detectors”
- Dr. Sriram Rajamani (MD, Microsoft Research India) will speak on “Specifying and Checking Data Use Policies”
- Prof. Prateek Saxena (Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore) will speak “On the Security of Blockchain Consensus Protocols”
- Prof. VS Subrahmanian (Professor, Dartmouth) will speak on “Bots, Socks and Vandals: An Overview of Malicious Actors on the Web”
- Prof. Somesh Jha (Professor, Wisconsin) will speak on “Adversarial Machine Learning”
- Dr. Nishant Chandran and Dr. Divya Gupta (Microsoft Research India), will speak on “Secure Multi-party Computation”
Registration is now open: https://events.csa.iisc.ac.in/iciss2018/registration.html