Location: ECE, Golden Jubilee Hall
Research talk: Generation of Gaussian and non-Gaussian multimode entangled states of light for applications to Quantum Information Processing
The development of Wavelength Division Multiplexing has been at the origin of a revolution in communication that has even changed our everyday life. It is natural to investigate now whether this way of encoding and processing classical information can be extended to the domain of quantum information processing. We show that parametrically generated optical frequency combs, spanning over more than one million wavelength components, exhibit highly multipartite entanglement between the quantum fluctuations of its frequency modes. We show how to produce and characterize such highly multimode quantum states of light and discuss the ways to make use of them in Measurement Based Quantum Computing. We finally show how to produce, by mode-selective photon subtraction, the pure states exhibiting non-Gaussian statistics that are needed to provide a quantum advantage in Quantum Computing tasks.
Time: 20/06/2019 Thursday, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM
Venue: Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall, ECE Department, IISc
About the Speaker:
Prof. Claude Fabre is a French physicist, Professor and researcher at the Kastler Brossel Laboratory of the École normale supérieure. Prof. Claude pursues theoretical and experimental work on the quantum properties of light (quantum correlations and fluctuations, entanglement, tailoring of quantum fluctuations), quantum effects in highly multimode systems like optical images and ultrashort light pulses, applications to quantum metrology and to quantum information processing and computing, ultra-accurate space-time positioning beyond the standard quantum limit.