Grid GSP: A Graph Signal Processing Framework for the Power Grid by Raksha Ramakrishna

Location: MP 20

The dept. of ECE cordially invites you to the following talk:

Title: Grid GSP: A Graph Signal Processing Framework for the Power Grid

Speaker: Raksha Ramakrishna, Arizona State University, USA

Date: 03 Jan. 2019

Time: 4pm (coffee/tea at 3.45pm)

Venue: MP20, ECE department

Abstract:  While the graph theoretic properties pertaining to the electrical grid are well known,  the field of graph signal processing (GSP) offers new insights and understanding about the measurements from the electrical grid. In this talk we establish that voltage measurements are the result of a low-rank excitation to a low-pass graph filter. Then, we illustrate two  applications: the identification of community structure in the electrical grid and detection of false data injection attacks. Proposed algorithms are tested on a synthetic 2000 bus test case in the state of Texas, USA, with promising results.

Bio:  Raksha Ramakrishna received her  B.E degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering, Bangalore, India in 2014 and M.S. in Electrical Engineering  from Arizona State University (ASU) in 2017. She is currently a PhD student at ASU. Her research interests are in the domain of statistical signal  processing and data analytics for power systems.

All are welcome.

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