Location: Golden Jubilee Hall
IEEE Bangalore Section
In association with
IEEE-IISc HKN Student Chapter & CRAFITTI
One day workshop on
IEEE Future Directions in Technology (FDT) &
The Sixth Wave of Innovation (6WoI) (Click here for the Brochure)
23 Oct 2018 (Tuesday)
Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall, ECE Dept
Indian Institute of Science
8.30am-8.55 am: Registration
8.55am-9.00am: Welcome Address(Harish Mysore, Director, IEEE India Office)
9.00am-9.45am: Jim Jefferies, IEEE President. IEEE Future Directions
9.45am-10.30am: Srichandra, IEEE India Officer: IEEE Future Directions in India
10.30am-11.00am: Tea Break
11.00am-11.45am: Ashih Raj, Univ California Berkeley (on Skype)
Brain Research and Computing
1145am-12.30pm: S P Arun, IISc
Why vision is easy for us but hard for computers?
12.30pm-1.15pm: Navaneet Bhushan, Founder CRAFITTI, 6WoI for FDT
1.15pm-2.00pm: Lunch Break
2.00pm-2.45am: R P Singh, PRL Ahmedabad/T. Srinivas, IISc
Quantum Information Technology
2.45pm: 3.30pm: Chandra Murthy, IISc on National 5G test-bed
3.30pm-4.00pm: Tea Break
4.00pm-5.00pm: Panel Discussion: FDT and 6WoI (P R Mishra, CRAFTI coordinate)
Registration link: https://goo.gl/forms/tBgIo90PjmAVCQu33
Fees: Rs. 1200/-per participant; 600 for students/faculty/Startup.
For IEEE members: Rs. 1000/- for IEEE Student members: Rs. 500/-.
Free Registration for limited number of IISc students
Ritesh Kumar,IEEE-IISc, (riteshkumar@iiscac.in)
Dr. P R Mishra, CRAFITTI(priya.r.mishra@ieee.org)