Respondent driven Sampling and Dynamics of Dense Networks.

Location: faculty hall




Title: Respondent driven Sampling and Dynamics of Dense Networks.

Speaker:  Professor Siva Athreya, Indian Statistical Institute and

Satish Dhawan Visiting Professor of the Indian Institute of Science

Date:  Monday, 25th March, 2019 Time:  4.00 pm

Venue:  Faculty Hall, Main Building, IISc, Bengaluru

Prof Anurag Kumar, Director, IISc will preside


Understanding hidden populations governed by an underlying network has always been a challenge using standard sampling methods. The  reasons being cost, lack of sampling frame, privacy concerns, and  populations constituting a small proportion.  Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) is a network based method for sampling hidden and hard-to-reach  populations in a network. In this talk we shall provide a rigorous  framework of understanding the above in both static and dynamic dense  networks.

A network is dense if the number of edges scales quadratically with the  number of vertices. There has been a lot of work on networks when they  evolve in time with a prescribed dynamics. In this talk we shall begin  by understanding the limitations and successes of  respondent driven  sampling in dense networks. Then we shall discuss a natural class of  dynamics in dense networks arising from such resampling in multi-type  populations.

About the Speaker:

Siva Athreya is a Professor at the Indian Statistical  Institute and is currently a Satish Dhawan Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Science. His primary field of interest is  probability theory. He has worked on models arising from statistical physics and population biology, particularly Stochastic partial  differential equations, Diffusions on tree like networks, Random Graphs and related topics. He got his PhD in Mathematics from the University of  Washington, Seattle, in 1998 and has been at the Indian Statistical Institute since 2001. He was awarded the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology in 2012. He is the Programme Chair for the Bernoulli-IMS 10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics. He has coauthored a recent book “Measure and Probability” and is the coauthor of a forthcoming book “Probability and Statistics with Examples using R”.

Tea: 5.00 pm


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