Talk by P. Vijay Kumar, Streaming Codes for Low-Latency Communication

Location: Auditorium, ECE MP Building

ECE faculty colloquium


Date: 29 November, Friday

Time: 4pm (coffee served at 3:45pm)

Venue: MP building auditorium, ECE dept.

Title: Streaming Codes for Low-Latency Communication

Speaker: P. Vijay Kumar


Low-latency communication, a cornerstone of the 5G standard, is key to enabling a host of applications such as autonomous vehicle control, interactive augmented and virtual reality, multiplayer gaming and telesurgery.
Our approach to ensuring reliable low-latency communication, is by designing efficient packet-level error-correcting schemes for streaming data, that can handle both burst and random erasures, and that operate under a strict decoding-delay constraint.
Following an overview of research in this area, the talk will present our results on the design of rate-optimal streaming codes, some feedback from industry as well as  preliminary experimental results.

Speaker Bio:

P. Vijay Kumar received his B.Tech from IIT Kharagpur, M.Tech from IIT Kanpur and Ph.D from the University of Southern California. From 1983-2003 he was a faculty member in the EE-Systems Department of USC.  Since 2003 he has been a Professor in the ECE Department of IISc.


All are welcome.

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