Adjunct Faculty

The Division has invited distinguished researchers as adjunct faculty to enhance collaborations with the industry, R&D labs, and academic institutions, and  to benefit from their expertise of in areas of interest to the Division. An adjunct  faculty member is initially appointed for an initial term of three years.  The Division benefits through one or more of the following activities of the adjunct faculty member:

  • teaching an elective course or a short-term course,
  • delivering seminars,
  • providing mentorship to research students,
  • guidance of M.Tech. project students,
  • initiating and participating in collaborative research projects,
  • enabling collaboration with his/her organisation, and
  • helping the Institute in identifying prospective faculty members.

Current Adjunct Faculty

Arun Chandrasekhar

Intel, Bangalore

Ramesh Hariharan

Strand Life Sciences

Kumar Sivarajan

Tejas Networks

Venkat Padmanabhan

Microsoft Research India

Shihab Shamma

University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA

Dr. Mahesh Mehendale

Texas Instruments

V Chandrasekar

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

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