
Symmetry in Scalar Fields

Cross-Modal Retrieval

Using Statistical Mechanics to understand depth in Deep Networks

Neural programming and program analysis

Neural computations underlying cognition

An analog neuromorphic co-processor that utilizes device mismatch for learning applications

Temporal Self-Organization: A Reaction-Diffusion Framework for Spatiotemporal Memories

On the exact round complexity of secure three party computation

Almost-Surely Terminating Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement

Regulating Smart Devices in Restricted Spaces

Secure and Private Cloud Computing with Trusted Hardware

Analysis of Concurrent Software

Automatic Bug-Fixing in Programs

Statistical Inference under Privacy Constraints

Strong Converse for Wiretap Channel

Universal Multiparty Secret Key Agreement

Security for Smart Cities

FreeStyle: Customizable, Randomized, and Variable Round Version of Chacha Cipher to Resist Offline Key-guessing

Differentially-Private Algorithms for Consensus and Convex Optimization

Efficient and Secure Search over Encrypted Data

Quantum-safe Cryptography

Deep Neural Networks for Superresolution of Document and Natural Images

ChExVis: a tool for molecular channel extraction and visualization

Articulogram for characterizing speaker specific articulation

Surveillance Face Recognition and Cross-Modal Retrieval

Fast Algorithms for Kernel Based Filtering

Regularization in Fluorescence Microscopy and Photoacoustic Imaging

Virtual Reality, Image/Video Quality Assessment and Enhancement and Streaming Video

Online Reconstruction Algorithms for Compressed Imaging

Deep Learning Techniques for Solving Inverse Problems

Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Applications

Science & Technology for Today & Tomorrow
by K. Ananth Krishnan

Medical Sieve Grand Challenge: A Turing Test for Chest Radiology AI
by Tanveer F. Syeda-Mahmood

The Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF) India Winners from the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, IISc

Congratulations: Neha Rajput, 2023 IEEE PELS Graduate Studies Fellowship and IEEE PELS John G. Kassakian Fellowship

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